Showing posts with label Anxiety in Pregnancy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Anxiety in Pregnancy. Show all posts

Friday 25 October 2013


Feeling anxious about your baby's health, the birth and your ability as a parent are all perfectly natural. If these feelings begin to get in the way of your happiness however, it may be time to take action.

Common symptoms of anxiety :

Feeling on-edge all the time - it is natural to feel anxious occasionally throughout your pregnancy, but if you are starting to feel anxious constantly, or about non-specific things, it may be worth seeking help.

Anxiety/panic attacks - in some cases, these feelings become overwhelming for both the body and mind, resulting in a panic attack.

Avoiding people/situations - sometimes the very thought of being near to a person or place that instills feelings of anxiety means you avoid them at all costs. This can have a negative impact on your life.
Difficulty concentrating - you may find yourself struggling to focus on one task at a time or you may become easily distracted.

Anxiety, stress and depression often go hand in hand, with one leading to another if not treated. For your best chance of avoiding this it is advised that you seek professional help from a qualified professional such as your GP or a counsellor.

Anxiety towards the birth

If you are pregnant with your first child it is normal to have some anxiety about the birth. It is something you will have never experienced before and understandably you will be unsure of what to expect. Even if you have had children before, worrying about things going wrong in the delivery room is still common. This could be due to previous experiences, friends’ experiences or reading about long, painful births in the media. Whatever your reasons may be, for some the thought of giving birth becomes almost a phobia.

To manage with this type of anxiety it is recommended that you arm yourself with information. Speak to a medical professional with experience, they will be able to tell you about possible complications, how likely it is that they will happen and exactly what the midwife/doctors will do in that situation.

Reading up about the labour and listening to other peoples' experiences should also help to give you a good idea of what to expect. The important thing to remember is that every birth is different and just because your friend/cousin/sister had a difficult labour, it doesn’t mean you will too.

Try to learn some relaxation techniques such as deep breathing to control your anxiety. Reaching out about your fears before your due date will give you time to trace your concerns, gain information and develop a coping strategy before the birth. The sooner you speak out about your fears, the more time you will have to do this, so don't be afraid to voice your concerns to your GP, counsellor or support group.

Tips to manage with  anxiety during pregnancy

If you are experiencing symptoms of depression and/or anxiety during your pregnancy it is recommended that you seek professional help from your local healthcare provider. The following tips should also help you to cope with symptoms of depression and anxiety.

Exercise - when you have the all clear from your doctor, participating in light exercise such as antenatal yoga will increase your energy levels and boost production of 'feel-good' dopamine hormones.
Communicate with your place of work - working throughout pregnancy can increase stress levels, so be sure to keep an open dialogue with your boss regarding your pregnancy. Be sure to inform them that you may have to take a lighter workload and that you may need to cut down your hours.
Nap when you can - if you are struggling to sleep at night it can be helpful to take 20 minute cat-naps throughout the day to revive you.

Take care of yourself - this is the time to put yourself and your health first. Treat yourself to long baths, massages and nutritious food.

Get support wherever you can - this may come from your partner, friends, family, counsellor or support group. Ask for help when you are struggling - nursery decorating parties can be a fun way to make a time consuming job less stressful.

Be Happy in Pregnancy 

Take notes - if you are suffering from 'pregnancy brain' it can be hard to keep track of things like appointments, errands and birthdays. To help you keep on top of things, try keeping a notepad with you at all times and jot down important dates and things to remember.

Practice saying no - pregnancy is often a time when you come face to face with your physical and mental limitations. Even if you are known as the ever-helpful friend who says yes to everything, now is the time to start saying no and prioritise yourself over others.

Learn relaxation techniques - this can simply be a case of breathing deeply when you feel anxious or taking it one step further with yoga or meditation. Find something you can incorporate into your daily life to help reduce stress levels.

How can a counsellor help with  anxiety during pregnancy?

If you feel you are suffering from antenatal depression or anxiety it is essential that you seek help. As tempting as it may be to bury your head in the sand and ignore these feelings, dealing with them now will save you a lot of time, energy and heartache later. It also means you will experience a happier, more relaxed pregnancy which can only benefit your child.

A qualified counsellor can provide space for you to vent your concerns or frustrations in a safe, non-judgmental environment. They will also be able to talk you through your feelings so you better understand why they are occurring, as well as offering coping mechanisms and relaxation techniques.